Gluten Free Potluck Dinner Club: Southern Style

My group of friends had our second Potluck Dinner Club get together on August 1st at another friend’s house, and the theme was Southern Style cooking. People seemed to have more difficulty with this theme, asking more questions about what could count as southern as well as what could be made southern style and still be gluten free. I can admit, this was a complicated one for me. From fried ‘everything’, to biscuits and gravy Southern Style cooking can be difficult to modify for gluten free living.

In the end though we pulled it off, and here are some of the photos from the event:

The buffet style lay out including from front to back: 
Gluten free fried green tomatoes, collard greens with mushrooms, corn on the cob, gluten free corn bread, vegetarian jambalaya, pineapple ham, BBQ chicken legs. 
Also off screen: Dirty rice, gluten free corn pudding, southwestern bean and avocado salad, sweet tea, pepper SoCo, and more! 

A close up of the Vegetarian Jambalaya, which was my contribution to the Potluck. It had rice, spices, tomatoes, okra, peppers, garlic, and more in it. It was super thick, but super delicious! 
And The Best of All:

This floral arrangement might seem like just a centerpiece but in reality it was: Gluten Free Dirt Pie! Made with Trader Joe’s JoJo’s and pudding it was Totally gluten free, and DELICIOUS! 
It’s great when your friends do their best to accommodate your dietary needs!
Celtic Celiac @