Gluten Free News Round-Up: August 7th-13th

Eat you’re chocolate dear, it’ll help you see better and think better (for awhile at least)!
Although not entirely gluten free related this is interesting health and nutrition news. According to recent studies eating dark chocolate enhances cognition and vision for a limited time after consumption. This is likely do to the antioxidants Cocoa Flavanols which exist in dark chocolate. Maybe all that chocolate snacking in class is paying off!

Massachusetts moves towards requiring certification in food allergens for restaurants
Massachusetts has been on a mission to certify restaurants in food allergen training for some time now and they seem to be the only state doing so on such a large scale. This article explains where they currently stand with their efforts. You can view the states office videos and website here.

Israel’s gluten free and food allergy residents also face money troubles
The impacts of cost on those with gluten free needs or food allergies is global. This well put together article shows how those in Israel struggle with the costs of food allergy living in a way that is similar to those in America. The burden is held to the families entirely, with no help from the government to limit the burden. In addition, they struggle as well with passing laws to limit costs and enhance accessibility. Perhaps we need to think more globally about our money and labeling laws?

Higher Medical Costs for People with Celiac Disease
On a similar theme to the above topics those with Celiacs Disease also face higher medical costs, although they lessen after diagnosis. This article explains briefly a very important cohort study showing these findings and interestingly enough it discusses how the costs are higher for men.

Unfortunately, I think the high amount that we pay when we do not receive a proper diagnosis is part of the reason that the United states does not have effective diagnosis methods. In a country where our health industry is a business rather than a savior the industry gets more money of of not diagnosis. What are your thoughts? 

Celtic Celiac @