Facebook Giveaway: Today (8/31) Only!

To celebrate the non-technical end of summer I am hosting a quick and simple giveaway on my facebook page. Here’s the deal:

Mambo Sprouts is a marketing company that works with many organic, natural, and gluten free product lines such as Alexia Sweet Potato Fries, R. W. Knudsen Juices, Luna bars, Organic Valley Eggs, and much more. Recently they provided me with several coupon books (valuing at approximately 40$ savings each) to give to my followers.

Entering is simple: Simply check out my post that starts with “Facebook Giveaway” and leave a comment there explaining what you like best about my facebook page or blog. I will pick 6 random commenters tomorrow to win and announce the winners on that post!

Celtic Celiac @ http://celtic-celiac.blogspot.com/