Gluten Free News Round-Up

Good morning everyone! On Saturday’s I finally have time to sit down and spend some time in front of the computer relaxing and reading up on all the news and blogs I have missed over the week. Today there were three interesting gluten free/celiac disease articles that caught my eye. I figured I would share them, with hopes that people who read will share their thoughts on any of the articles posted. Who knows maybe I’ll start doing a weekly or biweekly ‘news’ roundup. 

Researchers find common genetic risk factors for Crohn’s and celiac disease

This article is brief but nonetheless the discovery is interesting and poses new implications on improved genetic testing and disease relationships. Do any of you have both Crohn’s and Celiac Disease? If so how does this affect your life differently than just one diagnosis?

Celiac disease may have little influence on soaring gluten free market

This article brings to light something that may be of some concern, the rise of the gluten free diet as a ‘posh’ thing to do. I am not saying anyone shouldn’t feel welcome to try to diet for their health and wellness but I do feel that sometimes this trend takes away from the credibility the diet in some locations for celiac’s or gluten intolerants. Either way, at least the number of quality of products being sold is improving and expanding!

Hydrolyzed Wheat Flour Foods Safe for Celiac Disease Patients

Currently on the list of unsafe ingredients, beginning research is now showing that Hydrolyzed Wheat Flour might not be harmful to individuals with celiac disease. It will be interesting to keep an eye on how this pans out in larger, and thus more statistically sound, studies. I wonder what other ingredients may be so processed that the gluten is inactive and thus not harmful? But the real question is, do we actually want to eat something that processed?

Celtic Celiac @

6 thoughts on “Gluten Free News Round-Up

  1. Nice blog and great idea for a contest. I was just looking at your foodie blog roll and was going to let you know of a typo. I see you have fixed it here on your header. I am going to join your blogs as well. Cheers.

  2. hey – i have both crohn’s and celiac. the interesting thing is that the genetic test for celiac…which tests for the most common genetic markers for celiac…came back negative for me. according to the lab and my doctor, false negatives are possible and it just means my celiac genes are in the 1% or so minority of celiac genes. i also am highly sensitive to oats, which some celiacs are not. so, i wonder of the particular ‘flavor’ of celiac that i have is linked to my crohn’s and whether others might be similar from a genetic and/or disease perspective.

    ben cappel

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