Gluten Free News Round-Up: September 23rd-29th

Women With Celiac Disease at Lower Risk for Hormone Related Cancers
Some theorists posit that for every negative there must be a positive, and research is now pointing to one particular positive for women with Celiac Disease. This article discusses research i Sweden which is pointing to a decreased risk of developing breast, ovarian, and endometrial (uterine lining) cancers. This is an interesting find, and I am intrigued to find out why this is the case.

When Life Interferes with Romance: Dating with Celiac Disease
First off let me say that I absolutely love Jules Shepard, she is a great role model, cook, and entrepreneur for the gluten free community. In this interview with Glamour Jules discusses her means of navigating the dating arena with Celiac Disease or food allergies. Ultimately, she says the how,who and what of bringing it up is up to you but the best advice in my opinion? Guys will get it (and if they don’t, they aren’t worth your time)”. So so true. 

Do Hospitals Cater for Patients with Special Diets?
One would think that hospitals, the mecca of meeting our medical needs, would be the best people to meet our dietary needs for those with Celiac Disease or food allergies. This article discusses the flaws with meeting special dietary needs in the British Hospital System. The article discusses the reasons behind this oversight, which I perfectly understand, but luckily also provides some direction for improving the situation. 

And finally, a bit of Local News: Advocates Raise Awareness of Celiac Disease . As a social worker I love hearing about advocates for a cause, especially when it hits close to home and it geographically close to home!

Celtic Celiac @