Gluten Free News Round-Up: September 15th-21st

5 Tips for Making Gluten-free Guests Feel at Home for the Holidays
Now that it’s almost fall many of us start preparing for the holidays, and it is never too early to remind hosts about the importance of addressing their guests dietary needs. This article, by Gigi Stewart (Gluten Free Gigi) is a great place to start if your hosting this holiday season!

Is Gluten Content to Blame for the Rise of Celiac Disease?
The topic of gluten content as a ’cause’ of Celiac Disease has been a topic of discussion lately, and this is one other article that touches on that topic. Interestingly,this article suggests that gluten content in grains has not increased but that the consumption of ‘vital gluten’ (added gluten) has. It’s an interesting perspective.

Is Celiac Disease Substantially Underestimated?
This article compares the standard method of diagnosis with the newer ‘genetic’ test for the Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) Genotypes. The outcome suggests that rates of CD diagnosis might be far higher, reduced by the requirement of a biopsy. 

Celtic Celiac @