Gluten free News Round Up: March 6th-12th

Gluten Ataxia: A little know side effect of gluten intake
   I received this article on facebook via a group that I am a part of and I am utterly floored. Since I can remember I have had coordination issues and dizziness, both of which were never resolved until after I went on the gluten free diet. In college, when things were the worst; I would drop things, sometimes find it difficult to walk up stairs, would almost constantly be dizzy, my eyes wouldn’t focus and at points my entire world perception would ‘shift’ or ‘spin’  and as a result I would end up on the floor. There were many more odd things, none of which were fun. I am glad there is some connection to Celiac’s so I don’t feel entirely crazy.

Celebrities and Celiac Disease
   This is always a controversy for me. It is great to increase awareness and get publicity but can it back fire? What are your thoughts?

NIH awards Avaxia with Research Grant to Develop Antibody Medication for Celiac Disease
    Being a lover of research I think this is great news! It is exciting to see the progress of a move towards a ‘cure’ for celiac disease in science. I look forward to see what’s next!

Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity Different, Biomarkers potentially identified for Sensitivity
  It seems kind of obvious,  to people like us anyway, that gluten sensitivity and Celiac Disease are two different diseases. However, there have finally been some biomarkers identified with Gluten Sensitivity and there is now research to back up this reality. A good thing in trying to medically alleviate gluten sensitivity. Most interesting about this article is the description of gluten sensitivity as a spectrum ‘disease’, with Celiac Disease being at the severe end and Gluten Intolerance and Sensitivity else where along the spectrum.

Celtic Celiac @