Gluten Free News Round Up: March 20th-26th

Study looks at hookworm infection as potential cure for Celiac Disease symptoms
Yes, that’s right, hookworms. This interesting double blind study done in Australia infected patients with hookworms, or a tobasco sauce placebo, to see if hookworm infection would decrease symptoms associated with celiac Disease. Unfortunately, or fortunately, the results did not show an improvement in symptoms.

Is gluten making us fat?
Interesting question which brings us back to the gluten free ‘pop culture’ diet, probably drawn by the diet being mentioned this week on Dr. Oz. Does going gluten free really help us lose weight? This article discusses recent research as well as the need to maintain a healthy eating pattern when going gluten free. Interestingly, it discusses that in a study done of individuals with celiac disease 81% of them gained weight after going gluten free. I know for me that I lost 10 points almost immediately, then I began to gain most of that back. Interesting!
Here is another article along the same train of thought

Budget cuts in Britain eliminate coverage of ‘unessential’ gluten free foods under prescription
First of all, the NHS used to cover gluten free food if it was prescribed? What?! That makes me somewhat frustrated to be an america, when these foods are tax deductable only if the difference between gluten free products and non-gluten free products that you spend equals more than 10% of your yearly income. Seriously  America, get with the times… Unfortunately, budget cuts have affected this coverage and now only essentials (bread or flour) are available under prescription. It will be interesting to see where this goes…

Celtic Celiac @

One thought on “Gluten Free News Round Up: March 20th-26th

  1. Here in New Zealand we have some gluten free food on prescription as well. It seems though that New Zealand and the UK are the only countries that have this as far as have read so far. I know Australia doesn’t either.
    We get bread mix, pasta and baking mix for a bit less than half price. The government subsidises the rest. I am guessing though that it won’t be long before we lose this subsidy.

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