Gluten free News Round Up: March 13th – 19th

Not to much in the news for gluten free this week.

Celiac Disease more prevalence with MS Patient Population
Not from this week but still a goodie. An interesting study seems to point to an increased prevalence of CD in those with MS and their family members. It’s a small sample, which calls for the need for a larger study, but none the less interesting findings! A gf diet improved symptoms for those with both, including the neurological!

Blocking Interleuken-15 could Improve Celiac Disease response to ingesting Gluten
This is similar to an article previously I posted. I find it interesting that mice can be genetically altered to have celiac disease, hopefully this truly does help to come up with a ‘cure’!

First Celiac Disease Immunovaccine in the works?
A company in Mass. is seeking to continue intensely developing the first immunovaccine. What do you guys think about a vaccine?

Most men with Celiac Disease remain undiagnosed
Now, ‘Most’ is a strong research term that should rarely be used without highly significant evidence but it definitely does make a point. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any further details about this in any other articles and this one is pretty quick. I wonder what could be the cause of men being under diagnosed, could it be the don’t go to their doctors as often? Could it be that they have a higher tolerance for symptoms of CD and as a result even if they go to the Doctor they may not thing the symptoms are abnormal? What are your thoughts?

Celtic Celiac @