Gluten Free News Round-Up: February 6th-19th

Here are some news articles and research articles I thought of interest for the past two weeks. What are your thoughts? 

Local Long Island School District makes way for Gluten Free lunches prepared at school!

This article is more of a blog post brought to you by News-12, a local news agency on long island. I could not find a true news article on this new development, very disappointing that there is a lack of publicity, but I can say that this is wonderful news. It goes to show that the power of one voice truly can make a different as this addition was added by one mother speaking out for her son!
This article touches on a new study breaking ground in studying the peptides involved in a gluten response. I tend to be uncomfortable with genetically altered foods but this is a promising prospect if it is possible. Oh the power of science! What are your thoughts on such altering of food to make it edible?
Not only does the study seem to point to a potential cause and harm to individuals susceptible to Celiac disease but also proposes hope for future research and development of a potential cure. Interestingly enough, the acne drug accutane (which has been linked to IBS) contains the Rentin-A (The vitamin in question).  
Here is another article on the same study. 
This girl is a trooper, I hope we can all take note of how far she has come and acknowledge that we are all capable of great things! 
Celtic Celiac @