Gluten Free News Round-Up: December 17th to 24th

Happy Holidays everyone! I wish you all the best this holiday season! I know I have missed my weekly news roundups the past few weeks, things have been crazy with finals. But, I am FINALLY Done! So, here is this week’s gluten free news!

Food Critics comments on new Dairy and Gluten Free book: The Intolerance Gourmet
In this article a food critic for this paper discusses her time working with the author of the Intolerance Gourmet by Barbara Kafka,. I love the honesty of this critic in speaking about the difficulties in creating a book based off of these restrictions, and the understanding of how complex & difficult such conditions can be.

FDA Researching Gluten in Drugs to Help Celiac Disease Patients
The FDA has recently been looking into the use of wheat, rye, and barley in pharma products made in the United States. While findings have shown that these ingredients are not commonly used, the FDA is working on eliminating the use of these ingredients, developing a way to omit unintentional additions in things such as fillers, and a means to test products. This is hopeful news indeed!

Gluten-free Diet and Body Mass in Normal weight and Overweight Children with Celiac Disease
I do not 100% agree with the use of the BMI as a standardized measurement tool, but this article reveals some interesting trends. According to the researchers, those youth who have a healthy BMI at diagnosis seem to gain weight and those with an ‘overweight’ BMI at diagnosis drop weight. I would have liked to have seen some research inclusion of those who had a low BMI.

Top Doctor Honoured for Cutting Edge Celiac Disease Research
David Sanders, one of the men responsible for Britain developing mandatory Celiac Disease testing, has recently been honored for his research in the field. He has linked IBS diagnoses with undiagnosed Celiac Disease, among other things and is moving forward with more research at one of the largest research centers in England. He says: “The nutritional impacts of maintaining a gluten-free diet, or indeed of having undetected coeliac disease, are areas that need urgent research. With my colleagues I have been working hard to fill this gap.” Where are these types of doctor’s in America? 

Celtic Celiac @