Funny or Rude?: Ultra Spiritual Life Video on How to Become Gluten Intolerant

From legitimate discussions of Celiac Disease in prime time shows to rude jokes poking fun at someone with a wheat allergy on children’s networks; the gluten free lifestyle is all over the media. How the gluten free community takes these portrayals is often itself as polarized at the portrayals themselves, unless the mention appears to be strictly education. Some think people in general need a sense of humor, while others think any humor about being gluten free is downright insulting. Let’s see what YOU think about this video, done by a YouTube persona who makes satirical videos of many lifestyles… 

Do you think this satirical video is funny or rude? Tell me why in the comments below!

Me? I’m torn.

While those of us on a medically necessary gluten free diet for whatever reason do need to band together in ‘solidarity’ to spread awareness and support each other in out gluten free needs there is no denying that there are some people out there that put us at risk by not strictly adhering to the gluten free diet (such as this guy sitting on his couch eating glutenous muffins when alone but requesting gluten free items in public). This leads to public misunderstanding, more risk of cross contamination, and so much more. So, in that respect there are some good points in this video. However, this video itself perpetuates the misconceptions about being gluten free. For many there is no distinction between Celiac Disease, Gluten Intolerance, or other reasons for being gluten free. Which leads us to semantics…

Gluten Intolerant is an outdated term no longer used by health care professionals. Instead, Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity is the new term used for those who do not meet criteria for Celiac Disease or Wheat Allergy but still have similar reactions to gluten. There is evidence this condition exists, in fact it is estimated that more people have NCGS than Celiac Disease. There is no test for diagnosis though. Regardless of your distinction on the gluten related disorders spectrum the only treatment for all three conditions is strict adherence to a gluten free diet, and a PROPER diagnosis from a medical professional is needed!

The bottom line of this video for me? Maybe we need satire like this to get into a deeper discussion about the seriousness of gluten related disorders. They are life changing, and poor public understanding makes them more complicated. Being on a gluten free diet isn’t easy, it isn’t going to help you drop weight (especially if you substitute gluten free alternatives of breads etc.), and it certainly isn’t something someone should do to be trendy. 

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