As a year draws to a close: Some Reflections

First of all please let me remind you not to forget to enter my Giveaway ending January 10th!

This year has been a whirl wind of changes for me personally, socially and professionally. In 2010 I took a chance and applied for graduated school and I got accepted. I am loving it so far. I also feel more deeply in love with the man I hope to share the rest of my life with, Michael. Earlier in  the year I finally found an answer to my sickness, my stomach aches and pains, my fogginess, my anxiety and mild depression in the form of Celiac Disease. I went gluten free, starting to blog at the same time, and embarked on a whole new healthier and happier chapter of my life. I have met new friends along the way and I am so happy that you have had the chance to join me on this journey thus far.

Now that I finished my first semester of graduate school and Christmas is behind me I have had some time to reflect. I can honestly say that had I not been diagnosed with Celiac Disease this year I probably would not be where I am today. As I shut the door on gluten and barred it from my food, my mouth, my gut, my intestines and thus my life I opened so many other doors. The fact that this drastic life change coincided with entering school for Social Welfare has made this change all the more speedy and relevant in everyday life.

I have learned so many things this past year and I would like to share some with you, the most important things are below. I would also like to know What have you learned or found out about yourself and/or your life on your gluten free journey through 2010? I hope you’ll share your story and that my story has been an inspiration in some way:

1. I learned to stand up for myself and speak out. Even if this involved such a small thing as speaking and engaging a waiter in order to address my needs it is something that has made it’s way into every aspect of my life. I am someone who speaks her mind without hesitation or fear of what other might thing. However, I also have more consideration for the impact my words can have on others than I had before. We are all together in this world and we must respect ourselves and others mutually.

2. I have found a passion for helping and supporting others , be it through this blog or through my social work schooling. I know now that this is something I want to do with my life and that this blog is part of the first step towards something great.

3. I have learned that it is okay to be a critic, looking at something with an analytical eye only makes the experience (even if it’s tasting a product for review) all the better. It also helps give others a view of something that they may never had had before.

4. I have found that the internet is more then just a tool for wasting time, it is an important instrument that can work to your advantage. It is never ceasing source of information, support and caring. For those of us who live a different or difficult life it can be a godsend if used appropriately.

5. I have learned to savor my food, to eat slowly and ponder every mouthful. This ability to slow down, even once a day, has let me understand the importance of valuing every minute.

So, this is what I have gotten out of this past year of gluten free self discovery. I am on the right path and I am light years ahead of where I felt I would be at the closing of 2010. This is thanks in part to school but also the gluten free community online, you guys are wonderful.

I hope you’ll share some of your story with me. Have a safe and Happy New Year!

Celtic Celiac @