A gift from the west coast: GoMacro Bars Review

Courtest of GoMacro.com

Gluten Free food seemed to be this holiday seasons hot gift for me. I put everything away in the cabinets during the flurry of the after holiday craziness and totally forgot about the majority of the items that were purchases for me. That was until a few weeks ago.

For Christmas Mike’s extended family got me a bag of gluten free goodies, including some products by GoMacro, a vegan, all natural and mostly gluten free company that specializes in Macrobiotic treats. The bars were a gift from his west coast living cousin that she got at an event they held in Los Angeles. Having had experiences with terribly made ‘health food’ in the past, I am somewhat hesitant of foods that are ‘all natural’ yet processed. However, being gluten free has expanded my diet more than it has compressed it and I decided to give the bars a shot before I pawned them off to a friend.

I had two flavors:

Cashew Caramel 

The texture of this took a few bites for me to get used to. At the same time, the product was both soft yet grainy. I found the bar to be dry and and initially bland at first. However, I came to realize that the flavor was not bland, it was in fact ‘all natural’  and thus it was subtle. Unlike other foods that chalk themselves up to being natural, yet are really overly flavorful with fake ‘real’ flavors, this product was the real thing. The cashew and Caramel flavors blended well resulting in a consistency similar to thickened light chuck peanut butter, if that makes any sense. The taste was fresh and the product was filling. All in all, it was something I would eat again if given the change. However, the consistency is definitely an acquired taste.

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip

This bar was a bit different than the above. While I am a love of both peanut butter and chocolate in any form, this just didn’t do it for me entirely. The taste and texture of the bar were thrown off by the presence of full size peanuts and full chocolate chips, both of which were not evenly distributed through out the bar. This unfortunately resulted in portions of the bar being very bland while other parts were inundated with flavor. For me, consistency in flavor or a good mixture of flavors does a product good and that did not occur here. I will admit though that separately each part of the bar (peanuts, chocolate and the ‘meat’ of the bar) were all tasty and high quality. I am sure I would have loved this bar had the components been in smaller bits and more consistently distributed. Nonetheless, still tasty at points if off consistency wise!

GoMacro’s website shows that they have other flavors of their Macrobars and also carry MacroTreats in various flavors. To top it off all of their products are gluten free AND they have a great ‘big picture’ style of making these products. They believe in sustainable eating, living and marketing that strives to make your tummy and the environment happy. That idea can’t go wrong as far as I am concerned. Hopefully soon they will be sold on long island!

Celtic Celiac @ http://celtic-celiac.blogspot.com/