Tell Congress You Want the Gluten in Medication Disclosure Act Approved Now

Can you imagine a world where you have to be fearful of the ingredients in your medicine? For those with Celiac Disease or Gluten Intolerance that is the case every time we visit the pharmacy for prescription or over the counter medications. That’s why the Gluten in Medication Disclosure act is the next step in gluten labeling, and it needs to be passed ASAP. The Act, originally introduced in 2012 by Tim Ryan (OH-13) and Nita Lowey (NY-17), would require drug labeling to include a statement identifying any gluten or starch ingredients or derivatives.

But to make this Act more likely to be passed WE must make our voices be heard in congress. The Celiac Disease Foundation’s Advocacy Center has put together a sample letter you can utilize to send to your representatives. Simply click the link above and follow the directions to submit to your members of congress. It’s that simple, but the email can go a long way to add strength to numbers!