Stop and Shops Passover Section is a Gluten Free Heaven

The trend around this house seems to be that Sunday is for shopping and cooking. Mike and I made our journey today to two stores, and if you shop at any commercialized business you know that if a holiday is 1-2 months away stores are stocked up on decorations and foods for those holidays. With March just beginning that means that the stores are full of stuff for Saint. Patrick’s Day, Easter, and Passover. 

I usually pass right over most of these sections unless I need something specific, disgruntled about how most holidays have been turned into consumer traps, but today something in the Passover section caught my attention at Stop and Shop:

The holy GREEN ‘gluten free’ strip. In Stop and Shop they try to organize their gluten free products on shelves that have these green gluten free strips. It makes pinpointing gluten free prepackaged products easier in a huge store, but you usually you only see them in the organic and health section of the store. Needless to say I did a bit of a happy dance when I saw an entire shelf section marked off as gluten free in the Passover section: 

Do you see this!? Gluten free cookies, macaroons, bread crumbs, soup/oyster crackers, rice cakes, cake mixes, matzo and more. All gluten free and all kosher. AND many of the products were on sale. You can’t go wrong with that. So, if you have a Stop and Shop near by swing in for some cheap gluten free products. I can’t speak for whether the section will be as large in Stop and Shops in areas with a smaller Jewish population, but I am sure there is something there worth checking out! 
Celtic Celiac @