So, What’s New?

Happy Fall everyone! With a new season comes the need to mix things up and the urge for improvement. 
So, what’s new with you? Any new recipes, interesting school assignments or fun adventures? Tell me your story…
This weekend instead of doing the homework I was supposed to (I have a light week because of the Jewish holidays) I decided to make my blog more user friendly and easier to navigate for you, my fateful readers. 
One important change to mention before anything else is a ‘name’ change to my blog. In an effort to streamline things (i.e: save space, be more professional etc.) I have decided to shorten my Blogger Name (Celtic Celiac) to CC’sGF. I will be keeping this URL and twitter name but in any references in posts I will be using CC’sGF. 
Now, onto the bigger improvements. When you logged on to read, if you did so from my main page, you probably saw something like this minus the circles: 

That’s right. I navigated the confusing world of Blog editing to compile three special pages, circled above in red, green and blue. This is what they entail:

CC’sGF Recipes: This is a list my personal recipes which have been posted on the blog since it’s birth. I categorized them into: Appetizers/Sides, Entrees and Desserts for easy accessibility and searching. 

Anything that has been adapted from another source says so next to it in black. I did not include recipes that I posted that were entirely from other sources (cookbooks etc.) on this page, although they are listed under recipes the Recipes Label. 

CC’sGF Product Reviews: I compiled my product reviews on this page so anyone can come and easily find a product I may have reviewed, or suggest a product I have yet to review that they think I should. Product Reviews are categorized into: Chips/Snacks, Desserts, Sauces/Mixes and Meals/Bars/Meal Alternatives. 

Social Welfare and Celiac Disease: As a social work student I am finding it more and more intriguing to tie my desire for advocacy, education and awareness regarding celiac disease/food allergies together with my interest in social justice in health on a global level. Social Work (in my eyes) is about fostering a sense of community where everyone is respected and interconnections are beneficial to personal and global growth. As a result, the complexities and connections between these two topics appear, and will continue to appear in some of my posts. I will be listing these posts here, so my thoughts on relevant psychological, social, emotional and physical implications of CD and food allergies on life can be accessible to anyone. My hope is to start a dialogue that will truly bring about changes to the way these diseases are addressed on all social and personal levels. 

So, those are my changes. I hope they make searching my blog easier and my content more beneficial for your needs.

But, What’s The Most Important thing in all of this? 


Your feedback, thoughts, ideas and comments can make this blog not only a way of informing but also a community effort. To make this communication easier I have created an email account for this blog. It is: 

PLEASE email me with anything you would like to see added to this blog (products, recipes, reviews etc.), anything you think could be changed or any general comments, feedback etc. I am all eyes and ears and look forward to hearing from you!

Celtic Celiac @

One thought on “So, What’s New?

  1. Michael and I made delicious homemade Chinese dumplings! If you can find gluten-free wonton wrappers, I encourage you to try it out 🙂

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