Celiac Disease Awareness Month Giveaway Winners

So May is over and done, and with that ends the first month of my NEW website. I hope you enjoyed my five feature posts of the month; I wanted to share a bit of humor, enlightenment, and positivity. As a recap, here are my May Posts:

1. Celtic Celiac’s top five favorite gluten free bloggers
2. Celtic Celiac’s top five happiest gluten free moments
3. Five Friends you have when you have Celiac Disease
4. Five ways that needing to go gluten free can improve your quality of life
5. To five reasons to date and/or marry a Celiac (written by my lovely husband)

With the end of the month also comes the end of my Celiac Disease Awareness Month Giveaway. I had so many entrants that I not only picked a grand prize winner but also a runner up who will get some coupon goodness in the mail. A big congratulations to the following two ladies who won:

Denise M.
Grand Prize Winner

Michelle P. 
Runner Up Winner

Congratulations ladies and thanks for reading Celtic Celiac!